In June of 2007 Dan Staton and I joined fources and opened a training facility in Spokane Valley called Crossfit Spokane Valley and Fast Trac Performance. Crossfit is a training method that specializes in not specializing. Let me explain. We want to train people for the predicable, as well as the unpredictable. This requires that we address all aspects of fitness including:
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurancethe ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen
2. Stamina the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units to apply force.
4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed – the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination – the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movements.
8. Agility – the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance – the ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy
– the ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
Being well trained in all 10 of these fitness catagories will allow people to excel at everything from professional sports, to independant living.

What is Crossfit?

CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist.The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience or current fitness level.
We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease as well as Professional athletes training in the off season. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Our terrorist hunters, skiers, mountain bike riders back country hunters, housewives and elderly have found their best fitness from the same regimen.

Why Crossfit?

There are a variety of reasons people have adapted the crossfit method of training. Some are tired of the same old routine producing the same old results. Some people were looking for variety in their workouts. Some just want to be able to perform everyday activities without worrying about injury. I, like many fellow crossfitters, have hobbies and activities that demand that we are "fit." Sure you can hunt, and hike, and play recreational sports without training but if you are constantly battling with your ability to just keep up, doesn't it take most of the enjoyment out of the activity?
For you hunters out there, have you ever heard a bull bugle in the bottom of a draw and decided not to go after him because "what if I shoot him?" Have you ever thought about what you would do if your hunting buddy broke his leg 1...2...5 miles from the truck? Would you be able to get him out of there? I know it sounds a bit extreme, but if the moment ever arises wouldn't it be nice to know you could git 'er done? See, crossfit will prepare you for, not just the foreseen tasks, but the unforeseen ones as well. A handy little benifit when your hiking in the back country with your camp on your back, don't you think?

Goals Setting Part I

With the ringing in of 2009 many of us will reflect on the past year and think about all the things that we didn't do. And how many times did you hear someone say, "I can't believe that the year is already over, it's 2009 already! Where does the time go?" Well, I got news for you. Time only speeds up as we get older. And if you think the last ten years have gone by fast...if you sit in "someday land" the next ten years are going to go by even faster. Someday land is where people with "someday syndrome" hang out. Maybe you, or someone you know has this problem. There is one symptom that is a dead give away. These people are always saying "SOMEDAY..." Someday I am going to get in shape, or someday I am going to buy a motorcycle, someday I'm going to quit smoking. Or maybe the people you know use "I REALLY SHOULD..." I really should look for a different job, I really should start going to church, I really should go Alaska and finally go on that hunt.
Everyone knows people like this, heck I'm guilty as charged. Well I say let's make this the year that WE take all these "somedays", and "I really shoulds" and put some action behind them. Here is how you do it. Ready?
Write down your new years resolutions. Make sure these goals are realistic, specific and measureable, and have a deadline.
This is important because if the goal is too steep it makes it easy to give up. If it is not spcific and measureable you will not be able to tell when you have reached your goal. If it does not have a deadline on it, it's too easy to put off and then guess what your back to "someday" and "I really should."
So work backwards. What I mean by this is, write down the ultimate goal. Then think about some things you have to do everyday in order to reach that goal. A good example of this would be if your goal is to lose 20 pounds by March 14th. You know that you have to eat breakfast every day. So one of your daily goals is to eat 1/2 cup of oatmeal 3 almonds and 1/2 piece of wheat toast with peanut butter for breakfast. It's realistic, it's specific and measureable, and it has a deadline. It's good!
Now do this with every new years resolution you made, and you will be on the right road to finally reaching some of them.
I leave you with this...If you want to have a better life then you must first learn how to have a better day.
To be continued...

Goal Setting Part II

Welcome to February. How are those New Years resolutions going? If you followed part I you now have daily goals that will ultimately lead you to your long term goals. If your on track, good for you! If your running into some barriers I will give you some ways to over come those.
First, get to the root of WHY you want to reach these goals. Write them down after each goal. For example, if you want to lose weight. Maybe it's because you want to be able to play with your kids without getting tired, or maybe it's because you want to be around to see your grandchildren get married, or maybe it's as simple as you want to look good in your bikini this summer. Whatever it is for you, it's got to be a strong enough reason that it takes all the excuses out of your life, and makes your goal a priority.
Second, you want to make your goals public knowledge. Tell everyone what your goals are and why you have to reach these goals and ask them for help. Friends and family are great resources to use when trying to reach goals. This will give you the support you need, and who knows, you may inspire them to join you in your quest.
Lastly, back yourself into a corner. What I mean by this is, on your deadline set up something that you do to show off your accomplishment. Plan a celebration party where you show a slide show of your journey, sign up for a race, set up a hike with your kids, give all your other swimsuits to Goodwill. By doing this, you don't give yourself a choice but to reach your goal.
I leave you with this thought. Figure out how to make you goals a MUST not a TRY. Trying gets us no where! The sooner you close the back door the better off you will be.
Reach your goals or die trying!

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